Hearth Families Inc. Coat of Arms
A coat of arms is a shield or drawing of a shield, with pictures and designs on it symbolic of the organization’s distinctions.
Crest—which includes the crown and star burst, signifies royalty, power, and authority (Revelation 19:12). A star was a sign heralding the birth of the King of the Jews (Matthew 2:1-10). In Revelation, stars represent rulers and heavenly messengers (Revelation 1: 20). The star refers to Jesus Christ (Numbers. 24:17), the Daystar (2 Peter 1:19) and the “bright and morning star” (Revelation 22:16). We chose to place the crown at the very top for this reason.
Top Banner—includes the Hearth Families Incorporated name. A banner was a mark of identification or the colours around which soldiers rallied in battle (Numbers 2:2).
Helmet—the covering to protect the head in warfare. The helmet is used symbolically to represent
the protection of the mind in the spiritual battle against the devil (Ephesians 6: 17). Since we can
know that we have our eternal life in Christ, this confidence protects the mind from the
relentless onslaughts of the devil, who desires to shake our faith in God.
Top Mantle—note the colours chosen. Red signifies strength, fortitude and victory. Gold
signifies wisdom, generosity, glory, constancy and faith. Gold is used symbolically
to refer to salvation and spiritual wealth (Revelation 3:18).
Shield (quartered layout) — the shield was borne on the arm to protect the bearer in
battle. It was ornamented in such a way that the bearer would always be recognized
by his friends in the midst of the conflict. The shield is illustrative of God’s protection
(Genesis 15:1); the salvation of God (Psalm 18:35); truth of God (Psalm 91:4); of faith
(Ephesians 6:16). Blue signifies loyalty, truth, strength and faith. Blue is also one of the most
often used colours in the coverings of the Tabernacle and Temple (Exodus 27: 16-18).
Charges of the shield:
1) Center and forefront of the shield—the cross is a symbol of the Christian faith and of Christ’s atonement for mankind (Ephesians 2:16). It is also used to signify the willingness of Christ’s followers surrender their own desires to obey Him (Mark 8:34).
2) Bible—the book of sacred writing of the Christian faith—the authority of the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:13-17).
3) Dove—often used as a symbol of peace and the Holy Ghost (Matthew 3:16).
4) Lamb—signifies the Lord Jesus Christ willingly submitting Himself to the death of the cross (Isaiah 53:6-7).
5) Sword—a symbol of power or authority. A crossed sword often signifies a battle. Swords are the most often mention weapon in the Bible (I Samuel 31: 4-5). The carrying out of God’s wrath can be called a sword (Isaiah 34:5) as well as the word of God (Ephesians 6:7).
Shield Supporter (eagles with claws outstretched on each side supporting the shield)—an eagle is recognized as the king of birds with keen eyesight and powerful wings (Job 39:27-29). It is symbolic of courage and power (Isaiah 40:31) and youthful vigor (Psalm 103:5).
Bottom Mantle—note the gold colour as previously mentioned. This banner includes the the acronym for HEARTH: Helping Educate And Reclaim The Home as well as the reference to the theme verse for Hearth—Joshua 24:15b “...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”